The online OHS learning platform of Intervention Prévention inc.
filled with training and webinars covering a wide range of topics.
Scroll down to learn more

We have improved our training purchasing and assignment system


Intervention Prévention adapts to your learning needs...
Online training
Training courses for which the participant can register and follow directly online, from the comfort of his home or his company.
They are offered at any time and at the learning pace desired by the participant.
Our trainings
Face-to-face training
Training offered in class on specific dates and locations.
For more information, visit our website using the button above.
Learn more
Recorded webinars to learn more about various health and safety topics.
They are offered free of charge and at all times on our platform.
Our webinars
Personalized learning tools
One of the best approaches to transfer a concept or knowledge to a learner is a visual pedagogical approach.
Intervention Prevention Inc. offers an assembly, customization and production service for educational multimedia tools.
Learn more

Contact details

If you have any questions or comments,
do not hesitate to contact us...

 By email

 By telephone

(450) 446-0829

 Office hours

 Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

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